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Level 5
Member since ‎05-16-2011

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Having an issue where a user will plug a PC into a switch.  The switch does a MAB authenticaiton and the MAC is not located in the ACS server.  It logs the failed attempt, but when the PC is removed from the switch, the failed attempts keep getting l...
I have a Cisco Secure ACS giving port access to approved MACs.  I am wondering how the process works.  We recently replaced all the PCs in our organinzation.  After the new PCs were deployed, we removed all the MACs from the ACS.  I noticed today tha...
I am having some confustion currently while looking into devices that fail authentication through the ACS.  When looking at the reporting tool for the ACS I see a device (Dell laptop) show up on the same switch port with around 900 failed authenticat...
We currently use MAB with our ACS box in our enterprise until we implement a NAC solution.  I am looking for a way to genereate a report on how long it has been for a MAC to get authenticated on the network.  Basically any MAC that hasent authenticat...
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Member Since ‎05-16-2011 10:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 24
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