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Member since ‎08-01-2011

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Hi,I have attached a diagram that I hope explains the topology sufficiently. All the switches are 3560s and the router is a cyberoam.The Switches are all connected using routed ports on layer 3. The router at the end has a static route for the entire...
I'm sure this is  very basic question, but I've seen the attached network design quoted in lots of places (cacti weather maps etc) but I'm not sure how people do it.Basically it's 4 switches with each switch connected to the other.Is the purpose of t...
Hi,I have a 3560x which has a 60 day trial license on it for IP Base, how do I activate this license?ThanksAndrew.   
I have two Cisco 3560x switches running IPBase on different sites joined by a 1gbps connection with routed ports. I have video data totalling 80mbps in site A that is crucial to arrive at Site B regardless of any other traffic on the network.What I w...
Hi,I'm implementing a multi site network and intend to use OSPF to do it. The links between each site at either 100mbps fibre or 1gbps My question is, is this better to be done with switches (3560x with IP Base) or routers (2921)? What are the main p...
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Member Since ‎08-01-2011 12:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 63