Hi,If they are used simultaneously the easiest way is to give them different ports from outside.ip nat inside source static tcp 4899 202.16.xxx.xxx 4899 extendableip nat inside source static tcp 4899 202.16.xxx.xxx 4898 exten...
Hi Ruveni,What are you trying to achieve? As it looks you are trying to get on the same port two different hosts? What is your goal? E.g. Now if you map port 80 on your outside ip to two machines how can the router knows to which web server to redire...
Hi,I believe that this model do not support vlans. It has "guest" feature for the wireless only. This model is home model and in this particular group of the forums primary are discussed models which runs IOS, NX-OS, CatOS which are models usually fo...
Hi,Here are some anwers to your questions I suppose:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/modules/ps2797/qa_cisco_virtual_switching_supervisor_engine_720_with_10_gigabit_ethernet_uplinks_ps708_Products_Q_and_A_Item.htmlBest regards,Alex