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Member since ‎08-17-2011

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I've installed the Cisco Client many times before on x32 systems but having just installed same on an x64 System (Win-7 Pro) I just noticed the "Set MTU". Client version I am using is is the purpose for this, and what setting should ...
With the Cisco ASA-5505, is there a more secure port that can be configured for VNC other than 5901? I am new to Firewalls in general so any detailed assistance would be greatly appreciated. We have a User who has requested that 5901 be opened but I ...
I need a very robust commercial grade WiFi solution that will support up to 40 concurrent Users. It is a relatively small office environment but there are six large rooms separated with (of course) walls. It's all one floor. Currently there are about...
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Member Since ‎08-17-2011 06:48 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 6