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Member since ‎04-08-2009

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I have a 9216i’s (nxos 4.2) and a 6120 (ucs 2.0) that I am trying to configure a san-port-channel to port-channel with and I can’t get it working. The FC (F-NP) links work when they are not in a po, but when I try to form a port-channel I get “invali...
Does anyone know how having two VSGs servicing a single tenant affects the “Host Scalability” of 12 VEMs per VSG?Per the docs each VSG can handle 12 VEMs.I am understanding this as a single VSG module can service up to 12 VEM’s (Hosts). What if the c...
Is booting from iSCSI SAN supported with UCS 2.0 and vSphere 5?I remember there was a problem with iSCSI boot from san when UCS 2.0 was released, Has that been fixed and can someone reference the fix?
The 10GE ports are encryption capable. Is there a use case for this available? Has anyone enabled this functionality yet?
TITV is an open source project aimed to help you to document your UCS  system. TITV consists of a script which collects information from the  UCSM via the API. The script parses the XML data and then writes the  data to a report.https://sourceforge.n...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-08-2009 03:44 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 23
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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