Tiziana Cassar
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Member since ‎02-09-2010

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Hi,We have a WLC 2106.  We would like to set up a WiFi access point that would allow users (employees and guest) to connect only if they are provided a dedicated user name and password.    The system we are after would be similar to that often found ...
Hi,I have a WLC 2500 WLC.  I have a WLAN for internal use which is working fine. This is using the management interface.  When I add a second WLAN for guest users on a dynamic interface (called guest) on VLAN 20, the internal WLAN stops functioning p...
Hi,I have an ASA 5505 firewall.  It was requested that when accessing internet, internal users get NAT translated to a public IP.  There has to be a one-to-one translation between internal and outside IP addresses.  Is it possible to do static NAT tr...
Hi,I need the launch date for the following products:Cisco SB SG200Cisco SB SG300Can anyone provide such information?  Thanks,Tizianap.s. I am opening a new discussion as I marked my previous one as correct answer by mistake and I cannot edit it.
Hi,I need the launch date for the following products:Cisco SB SG200Cisco SB SG300Can anyone provide such information?Thanks,Tiziana
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Member Since ‎02-09-2010 02:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 35