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Member since ‎07-10-2012

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Hi All,While checking the Tidal Admiral DB i found that the Table evntmst contains a column evntmst_untildt which contains information about the Last possible calendar date to include. If the date mentioned is 31st DEC 2013 does it means after this d...
Hi,We have recently converted Bridge jobs to run on Tidal adaptor. As it was a manually process , we just want to make sure that the dependencies are also set correctly and we havent missed anything. I wanted to know if we can run any query to get th...
We are using Tidal version 5.3.1, we want to automate the process of job migration through Transporter by runing it into batch mode.I have created a job with the help of the information provided in Transporter help however when i am runing that job i...
All the jobs are getting triggered at once when placing the main group into schedule.We were manually inserting the parent group into schedule and then accordingly the sub group jobs were taking their run depending on the dependency set.We have recen...
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Member Since ‎07-10-2012 01:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 8