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Member since ‎09-19-2006

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  • 17 Posts
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Is it possible to enable BFD on a Cat6500 VLAN interface in 12.2SXJ?We're looking at setting up anycast IP for our DNS resolvers, using exabgp on the servers to set up the peering with and inject the host route to the adjacent routers; we'd like to r...
We've got an application that broke after upgrading our ACEs from A5(2.1) to A5(2.2); the problem lies in how the ACE handles URLs with embedded backslash characters in them - e.g.:https://servicename.umich.edu/give/page.aspx?pid=371&s-Tags\Value=xPr...
We've got Cat6500s in our data centers, each with both ACE and FWSMs installed.  Our security folks want to have an IDS attached to each 6500 monitoring all traffic on selected networks; we (the network folks) want to have a sniffer available on each...
We've got ACE30s (active/standby) running A5(1.2), and a context that's front-ending one of our major applications, doing SSL termination on the client side and SSL initiation on the back side:parameter-map type ssl FrontEndSSL-Param  rehandshake ena...
We've got pairs of ACE30s in our data centers set up with active/standby FT.  Some time yesterday the active ACE in one data center started refusing management traffic - it accepts SSH connections but fails authentication (local password, no RADIUS/T...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-19-2006 07:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 17
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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