Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎11-07-2011

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  • 211 Posts
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  • 36 Helpful votes Received
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Hi All, I understand that a DNAC 3-node cluster only supports HA for automation services and not for assurance services. Reading the DNAC high availability design guides, I believe that the assurance services run on the seed node. If the seed node fa...
Hi All, I have used LAN automation to deploy a three tier network using both methods as outlined in the LAN automation deployment guide without any problems. I have LAN automated distribution and edge switches using the core switches as seeds, and I ...
Hi, Does anyone know if it is mandatory to change the DNAC self-signed certificate with one that us signed by an internal CA that contains the IP and FQDN in the SAN entry? I've read a number of setup guides and the requirement for this is not consis...
Hi All, I'm setting up a Cisco 9800-CL WLC and I want to check if there are any issues with using a single VLAN/IP for both WLC and AP management?  We currently have a management VLAN that is presented to our ESXi hosts and we dont want to setup a se...
Hi All, I'm trying to create an SP profile in DNAC but I am unable to select a WAN provider as the drop down options are blank and I cannot add anything. A WAN provider needs to be specified before I can save the profile. Screenshot below. Has anyone...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-07-2011 08:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-21-2020 05:45 PM
Posts 211
Total Helpful Votes Received 36
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