Chess Norris
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎07-26-2010

User Statistics

  • 466 Posts
  • 15 Solutions
  • 881 Helpful votes Given
  • 218 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, I am migrating an IKEv2 tunnel from ASA to FTD. In the ASA config, this tunnel is using different pre-shared keys for local and remote authentication, like this: tunnel-group x.x.x.x. ipsec-attributespeer-id-validate nocheckikev2 remote-authen...
Hello, I have a customer that want to do posture on unmanaged end devices that connects to their network via Cisco Secure Client.  We have tried using ISE for posture before, but the solution was getting quite complex and not so easy for my customer ...
Hello, Yesterday I upgraded a customers FMC from version to 7.6. This FMC are manage two different FTD 2130 H/A pairs.  After the upgrade was done, the deploy failed on one of the FTD pairs. The FMC also show the device status as disabled. Lo...
Hello, I have a customer that wants to run posture checks on some of the client VPN connections. This is only required for consultants, where the customer doesn't control the end-user’s client devices. We had a pilot project last year where we used I...
Hello, I have been asked to help a customer integrate their Microsoft 365 enviroment with Cisco Secure Email and have a question on how to use Desination Control. When reading the guide Configure Microsoft 365 with Secure Email they mention that we s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-26-2010 08:21 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-21-2025 01:53 AM
Posts 466
Total Helpful Votes Received 218