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Member since ‎02-19-2004

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Cisco 2800, 12.4(23b) router has two VPN tunnels to other Cisco devices.Authentication uses certificates from a PKI CA server.Under normal circumstances all works fine, both crypto sessions up.After a power cycle (having first saved configs) however,...
HelloThis 2924 switch is reporting very high process memory usage. I cannot help noticing that holding column of show proc memory is highest for the IP SNMP usage.Is it normal for IP SNMP to require a lot of memory or could it be a memory leak?xxxxxx...
I have a problem with PS2 being disabled in a 6513. The system reports that PS2 has a different capacity from PS1. But I know the two power supplies are the same model, and replacing PS2 does not solve the problem. Has anyone come across anything li...
Helloi wonder if anyone can help with the following.Is there a command to explicitly change the BOOT variable for the redundant supervisor?My active sup is running catos 8.4.4 and the redundant is running 7.4.3. The BOOT var on the active says run 8....
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Member Since ‎02-19-2004 12:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-23-2024 12:04 AM
Posts 12
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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