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Member since ‎01-14-2008

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Hi everyone,My customer has this OOOLD deployment where some AP1231 are still working they are upgrading part of the WLAN to LWAPP but may need to leave some AP in stan alone for a while.I need to configure a new SSID that needs WPA2 enterprise AES b...
Hi, I have some LAP1242 which by mistake were bought for Mesh. I am trying to convert them to LWAPP so what I did first was to convert them to Stand Alone then to LWAPP but I cannot get the AP to join the WLC and sends several error logs.I attached s...
Hello,There is a problem with my WLC, it is not allowing an specific client to connect. It gives an 802.1x failure log but I am not using it, anyways the WLC puts this client in the excluded clients list and I didn't add it manually, in fact is a new...
Hello,I am building a BOM for a customer and I need to present cheaper options than 3500 or 3600 APs. I thought of these two models but I don't know what models of antennas to pick.1602 is a 3X3 MIMO with 3 antenna connectors. How many 2.4 GHz and ho...
Hello,I have this scenario:650 m for current remote (non root bridge). Further non root points would be less than 2 Km. Non roots would be 1310 integrated antenna 13 dBiRoot bridge 1310 with external 14 dBi sector antenna AIR-ANT2414S-RThe reason is ...
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Member Since ‎01-14-2008 10:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 11:36 AM
Posts 189
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