Andrew Meyer
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Member since ‎07-08-2012

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I just recently upgraded to ASDM 7.52 running on ASA 9.21.  I can't load the previous version of ASDM and when I tried to uninstall the old and install the new from the local website I get 401 Unauthorized when trying to browse to the https site.   ...
I recently upgraded to 9.2.1 on my ASA 5505.  I had been recording the configs and matching them.  I noticed that with the latest ASA code the policy maps are no longer in the default config??  Or at least that had been removed when I upgraded to 9.2...
I need some help with opening ports on my ASA using firmware 9.1.2.I read earlier today that I can create service groups and tie ports to those.  But how do I use those instead of using 'object network obj-ExchangeSever-smtp' ?  I have the ACL - acce...
Hi,I am wanting to upgrade my ASA to go to the lastest ASA code.  I am running a ASA 5505 w/ 5121MB of RAM.  I am looking for option on upgrading, i'm not sure I want to spend $200+ for a 1GB stick of ram.Can anyone help me?  Is there cisco compatibl...
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Member Since ‎07-08-2012 06:18 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 7