Auto-attendant dial-by-name is not accepting 2 letters of last name when the last name is only 2 letters long. is there any way to change it? Stock Script.
CUE - 8.6.7
CME - 9.1
IOS - 15.2(4)M5 - C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M
using unity 2.4, is there a fix for 5 digit extensions? any five digit extension or loginID cannot call another phone whose coverage path points to unity. when it tries to cover to VM, it bounces out and rings the attendant.
The version is pretty close to the latest.
it waits for the 3rd letter and will ask "are you still there?". then fail to the operator. If I enter the two letter last name, and the first letter of the first name it works. I basically just need to kn...