wayne curley
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Member since ‎06-16-2012

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Is there a way on the Codian 4520 for adhoc conference to display content fuill screen to all all participants in the meeting when content is being shared?Also when confernce is not being shared want to go back to the 2x2 or 4x4 screen for video
I have a MCU 4520 and checked the secure web box under netwrok --> services and now the box is greyed out and I can't uncheck it.This is causing me errors now every time I connect to the MCU via a browser. Is there a way I can uncheck thisThanks-Wayn...
I am trying to dial out from our MCU to an endpoint with an IP addressi.e. 44001@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. I have "44" defined as an H323 prefix.When I try to out dial this number from the MCU it never goes to the traversal zone it keeps ending up in the Defa...
I am wondering if I can setup up 2 VCSe's on the Internet that talk back to one VCSc on the Intranet and have one VCSe be used only for inbound calling to our MCU and one VCSe used only for outbound calling from our internal MCU?thanks-Wayne
I am running MSE 8510 version 4.3(2.18) build 6.18(2.18). The system allows me to have a scheduled meeting and an ad-hoc meeting running at the same time with the same numeric ID. Scenerio:1. 10:20am EST I schedule a meeting for 10:30am EST called "9...
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Member Since ‎06-16-2012 07:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:57 AM
Posts 18