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Member since ‎12-23-2010

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We just installed Cisco UC and we are having an issue getting our Bogen Paging System to work with it.  We have a standard FXO port setup as Loop Start. This cable goes into a Bogen DFT-120 which records the page and then sends it to t...
We are upgrading from a Pix 515e to a ASA 5510 with CSC SSM.  We cannot send outbound email or receive any email from the outside world. I have placed a call with Cisco Support with no luck. Here is a copy of my config:  Any Help would be appreciated...
We recently moved a computer from one location to another within our plant.  We currently have trunked VLAN's going to multiple switches so we moved the computer plugged it into the nearest switch(3750 Stacked plugged into the Master (Member was full...
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Member Since ‎12-23-2010 07:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 4