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Member since ‎03-29-2012

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Hi,The place that I work has a large pipe to the net for normal use, but uses ADSL/Cable lines for guest/customer Internet access - we have about 12 of these.At the moment we are fining tat some of these links are virtually never used whereas others ...
Hi,I've been asked to set one of our statlite offices up with a couple of voip phones, a couple of WAPs and a few control devices and PCs, I only just passed ROUTE so am still quite new to this.I am hoping to use a dsl line and a suitable cisco 800se...
Hi,I've recently had a number of switchports cease to work on 3750s arround campus; I would have thought they should have gone ERR-DIS but they just sit in UP/DOWN until the switch is restarted and then work as normal, interface shut /no shut doesn't...
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Member Since ‎03-29-2012 07:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:57 AM
Posts 9