On a 7945G set, there is a button that looks like a softkey to the right of the 4 softkeys. It has an icon next to it that looks like overlapping windows.What does that button do?I've looked through user guides and documentation, but can't find anyth...
IOS version 12.4(15T) supports 7945G.However, when trying to specify phone type it's not found:RTR(config)#ephone 2RTR(config-ephone)#type ? 7902 Cisco IP Phone 7902 .... 7940 Cisco IP Phone 7940 7941 Cisco IP Phone 7941 7941GE...
From the CLI, how do you tell what version of CME is running? On a new setup, I need to add a phone load that is not installed by default, and I want to look in the right documentation areas to make sure I've got it right.Thanks in advance!
Kenneth,I have those files, and the phone appears to be registered. The files are specified in tftp to the location in flash. I also have the load specified in "telephony-service":load 7945 SCCP45.8-3-2SThe phone appears to work okay, but according t...
Excuse me for jumping in. Have you looked at this document?http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps2237/products_tech_note09186a008015b963.shtml