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Member since ‎06-03-2009

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    We have a recent UC320 install and auto attendant and listening to internal voicemails are all working.  When a caller leaves a message from an external call, the voicemail box does pickup and allows them to leave the message.  However, when a us...
We recently updated a UC540 to the newest software and no the system will not allow them to transfer or park calls.  Has anyone experienced this yet?                  
I have read the discussions and it appears the Cbarge feature requires a tone when activated.  Is there anyway to utilize this feature without the tone just to listen in to a conversation on another station?Thanks
I have read the discussions and it appears the Cbarge feature requires a tone when activated.  Is there anyway to utilize this feature without the tone just to listen in to a conversation on another station?Thanks
I installed the wireless adapter on a SPA504G phone.  When I connect to the UC320 via wireless, the voicemail button does not function and I get feedback in the speaker.  If I make a hard connection to the UC320 the voicemail button works fine.Any th...
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Member Since ‎06-03-2009 10:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 25
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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