Steve Zhou
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Member since ‎12-17-2012

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Hi,When I was calculating aggregating routes for ( ~, a quick question jumped into my head was what about It is a valid subnet, but it's not part of What if I did't have the next 8 subnets...
Hi,As we all know, route aggregation reduce the size of routing table and save processing power when re-calculating routes on the main/core router. Could you help me to understand how does the main/core or upper stream router make the routing decisio...
Hi,I'm seeing those -C, -K, -L works as the value for the Regulatory Domain column here, questions is, 1. who defines these letter-based Regulatory Domain? Is it C...
I recently see more than 10% of retransmission from a sniffer trace via wireshark. It sounds really a big problem to me since on Ethernet, I vaguely recall that the baseline of retransmission rate is about 0.5% (correct me if I was wrong)? I am not s...
Hi,   On this diagram, the antenna is at the center of the circle. The strongest signal is at the outer ring. The signal strength attenuates as it travels, then why the signal strength at '3' is weaker than '1'? Isn't '3' is closer to the antenna? I ...
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Member Since ‎12-17-2012 10:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-08-2020 08:41 PM
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