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Member since ‎04-22-2013

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I would like to add a new domain to our I&MP platform for Jabber callsSRV records have been updated internally and externallyNeed to add domain in to CUCM and IM&P but need assistance on which certs to update.
Hi All We currently have CUCM Ver: 11.5 and there is already a primary DNS and domain name configuredWe now want to add a secondary DNS server. Is the following correct way to do this set network dns secondary X.X.X.XTo Confirm DNS is thereshow netwo...
Is there a way of finding out which cisco unity connection accounts have not been used for a "x" amount of months - let say 3 months for example ???Thank You
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Member Since ‎04-22-2013 01:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-14-2021 09:56 PM
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