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Member since ‎10-03-2007

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I have a customer that is interested in the BE6K; does this platform support 4G failover for redundancy?thanks,Hector
Has anyone implemented IP cameras with the UC560?  Did you setup a separate VLAN for that traffic or is it running on the data VLAN?  I want to make sure that this traffic does not interfere with the data or voice traffic.Is there some documentation ...
Extension listing is not showing up in digital format on a SPA500 DS, which is connected to a SPA504; has anyone gotten this to work?I told the customer to write the usernames/extensions on the display with a non permanent marker for now; kinda embar...
I was able to upgrade the SPA504G to the latest firmeware to hopefully have it recognize the SPA500DS BUT after all the upgrades it still does not recognize the SPA500DS; only the SPA500S shows up in CCA (latest version btw)anyone else get this worki...
Is there a way to upgrade the SPA504 using the UC540 system and not the SPA50x-30x-7-5-x application?  I have uploaded both the SPA50x-30x-7-5-3 and SPA50x-30x-7-5-4 to the UC540 but the SPA504 will not download the new bin files; I guess I'll have t...
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Member Since ‎10-03-2007 03:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 15