A few things here:1. Are wrap-up codes configured in ICM?2. Do the Agent Desk Settings force Wrap-Up Codes?3. Are the wrap-up codes enabled in CAD Admin or have they been entered into the Windows Registry of the CTIOS Servers if you are using CTIOS?I...
It sounds like you might be using a user that only has Supervisor rights, or a user that has not been added to the WebView group in AD.What version of UICM/UCCE? - Bill
Ok - we need to back up then...You said this was a Comprehensive deployment, so I am assuming you have:1. A Type 10 Network VRU in ICM with "VRU Transfer" Labels defined for the CVP Call Server(s).2. A voip dial-peer on the VXML gateway looking for a...
When you say "redirect", do you mean using the Redirect step in CRS Editor?If so, then this is why you are not seeing the variables, and there is essentially no workaround. The only way to make the variables deliver is to let ICM deliver the call to...