Florian Pressler
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-11-2005

User Statistics

  • 36 Posts
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  • 15 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi,I recently had the case at one of my customers that the ASA Service Module in their coreswitch was making trouble. The symptoms were massive packet-loss for valid connections and also problems with high-availablity (the failover-cluster fell apart...
Hello!I have a very simple (so I thought) requirement, which I want to solve with ZBF. Although it seems simple, I can't get it to work with Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewalling (ZBF).The requirement is to simply filter HTTP-requests to a certain server....
Hello,Multi-Session/Per-Session PAT: I don't quite get the difference between those. Where is the technical difference? I read config-guide and command-reference, but the explanation is not clear enough for me. It only lists advantages and disadvanta...
Hi,it is common practice to configure a kind of "fallback-user" in case the "normal" way of AAA-checking is not working. For example, on the device you configure LOCAL fallback (with a locally configured fallbackuser), which is only used when the pri...
Hi,while configuring and understanding ASAs way of handling certificates, I encountered the command "validation-policy" in the command-reference of the ASA (8.2(2)):http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/asa/asa82/command/reference/uz.html#wp155731...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-11-2005 04:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-03-2025 12:04 AM
Posts 36
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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