We use CUCM/Unity Connection deployment.We are a school system, parents call into an attendance line and leave 100's of voicemail messages daily. We have these calls forwarded directly into a voicemail. How do we get a message waiting indicator w...
When calling in to check messages on an extension that goes straight mail, we are interrupting the phone caller live as they are in the process of leaving a message. This is a new occurrence and only happening at one school.
Is the "Mark as Spam" feature available on the 7800 series sets? Can't fins any information on this topic. It isn't listed in any release notes. Is there any information about when/if this will be available on the 7800 series sets?Thanks
Yes, we are a CUCM/Unity Connection deployment.We are a school system, parents call into an attendance line and leave a voicemail message. If the office worker calls into the voicemail line to check voicemail messages they would normally just list...
Thank you. How does one go about putting in such a request?Also - is there an option on the 8800 to set such that if a call istransferred in (say from a (Call Handler/Auto Attendant), the originalcalling number is the one that is blocked? I've tested...
Thanks Rob -I've been searching for anything related to this. We've been on this version for almost 2 years.The problem only started in the last few month's - and it doesn't seem to affect all users, which has made it difficult to isolate. I have tri...