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Member since ‎10-10-2011

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hi, I apreciate the help you can provide me, to know which are the best practices to interconnect  my cisco ucs platform through a vpc connection, i have the following platform:2 cisco 6140xp fabrics 11 cisco 5108 chassis70 cisco b230m2 blades1.4 (3l...
HI, I have two FI 6140xp, 11 chassis, and i´m planning to upgrade its UCSM and firmware, from 1.4(L) through  2.0(5) but i need to know if this is the last stable version (2.0(5)),  or if exists another upper stable version.Thanks,
I have two fabrics interconnect 6140xp, 9 chassis 5108, 1 mds 9513 and a tape library unit STK-SL8500, my customer is asking me, if is factible, if they can connect, the tape unit, through the mds to the ucs platform? i just need to know if this tape...
hi, I have some problem when i try to do a gracefully shutdown to a blade (b230-m2) that have a an esxi 5.0 OS, i do all the procedure but when i see the kvm session he dont do a gracefully shutdown it reboots, i´ll has been checking and i saw a pos...
     hi, i just want to know if in ucs enviroment if there is a way to automatically assign LUNs to network interfaces, this in order to make such assignments massively. i have cisco ucs 1.4 release, 2 F.I Cisco UCS 6140XP, with 9 chassis within blad...
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Member Since ‎10-10-2011 10:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 11