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Member since ‎09-14-2010

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have a requirement for multiple vsans under the same zone. I can create these but the netapp seems to only get applied to the first vsan I apply it to. Is it something to work around with npiv? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Keep getting this question and I hate to open a tac case for it. But does anyone know if the signatures for the SSM-20 or any IPS for that matter are compliant/based on federal standars or US-CERT
Has anyone heard of a limit to the amount of ACL's you can have in a downloadable ACL? I have 6 in one of my lists and there is this one rule that complains of a syntax error yet it is the same as another rule.ACS 4.2                  
    Thrown into a project starting Monday with 2 5548 switches and the customer wants to do SMB, iSCSI, and NFS. It is coming with a layer 3 card so I get the NFS and SMB. But isn't there a feature to be enabled with NX-OS or lun database to set up? ...
Recently had our ACS 4.2 software stop working when PRTG was installed on the windows server. After reboot of the server problems started happening all around and lost the functionality of ACS.When trying a rebuild of the software and keeping user da...
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Member Since ‎09-14-2010 07:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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