Richard Hamby
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎07-21-2010

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  • 32 Posts
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  • 71 Helpful votes Received
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Apple published the following link about a potential issue with certificates when using 802.1x on Mac OS X systems with EAP types that utilize server-side certificates (PEAP, EAP-TLS, etc).  The doc describes the issue and provides a workaround. http...
Recently, Cisco issued a PSIRT (20140305) describing certain vulnerabilities in Wireless LAN Controller code (link below).  This action applies to all Unified Wireless LAN Controller hardware platforms and software trains under the 6.x or 7.x code re...
By utilizing the USB cable with your iOS device, a packet capture of the radio interface is possible.  This method will collect all frames in and out of the radio driver, effectively providing the same functionality as running Wireshark locally on a ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-21-2010 08:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-23-2020 12:14 PM
Posts 32
Total Helpful Votes Received 71