Jefferson Madriz
Level 1
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Member since ‎03-23-2012

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HiWe have a router Cisco 3845 wiht some FXO ports connected, the proble we have is this:If a external user make a call to the PBX, and drop that call before some answered, the router drops this call to an extension like 10 seconds after the call was ...
HiWe have an E20 device,  this device have a password to enter in advance settings, the problem  here is that we tried to make a factory reset to this device and does  not work well. I follow the guide by press ** presentation ##, the decive restart...
We have a WLC 2504, since a few months, it was working fine, we have a guest Wlan configure with web authentication and the DHCP scope for this in the WLC. The problem today is that its no redirecting the web browser to, we try it with 3 lapt...
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Member Since ‎03-23-2012 08:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 6