Can i configure proxy on ASA 5510? i.e for internet use my user should be authenticate by ASA5510 and after successful authentication user should be allowed to access internet.and futher is it possible to do bandwidth managment with ASA5510?Regardski...
Hi,IOS of my subjected switch is not working, i have tried to download it from cisco but download link not showing, please provide me the link for download, and explain how to reload it. (IOS Version - 12.2(25) SEE3)Please help me out.Kishan
One of my client is having 1Gbps internet connection on fiber line, please help me which router can support the 1Gbps internet line.and what internet bandwidth is supported by cisco 2921 / k9 router.
I am planning to lay single mode fiber, but further distence is not very much it is about 100 - 250 mtrs., so please anybody can tell me this cisco glx-sx(short distence)-mm(multimode) module can support on single mode fiber or not?
I have tried the xmodem recovery with c2960-lanbasek9-tar.122-52.SE and c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-25.SEE4 ios, but still booting is showing boot process failed what should i do, please suggest my switch detail is -WS-C2960-24-TC-L- V02IOS VER : 12.2(25)...