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Member since ‎09-04-2010

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We use a pair of 5515-X in which we route all traffic. We have a couple of 3560G which we use as L2 switches.How can I secure my network to prevent clients from easily pose as the gateways in order to intercept traffic? I think PVLAN is out of the qu...
Hi, I just replaced a pair of older ASA firewalls running 8.3 with 5515-X running 8.6. One part is not working and I'm not sure if there has been any changes that prevents it or I overlook an detail.Our vpn clients connecting to our office firewalls ...
I'm trying to add a new dynamic interface, that I will tie a specific WLAN to so that clients on that WLAN is in the correct vlan. After adding it I loose connectivity both to the main management address ( and to the ip address of the dyna...
Hi, I just received a 2504 WLC and a few AIR-CAP2602-E2-K9 APs. I resetted the WLC and have that up now, reachable using the first network port.In port 3, the first PoE, I have one of the access points. I can't see it in the WLC admin gui, Im guessin...
I wonder if there is any possibility to form a neighborship between two ASAs over an ipsec site-to-site. The ASAs are in the picture named "office" and "DC". In reality there's +40 subnets, and is often the subject to human error. The DC ASA often ge...
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Member Since ‎09-04-2010 01:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 06:43 PM
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