The appliance can handle more than 100k total connections without any performance impacts. When you have slowness the connection count does not normally come into play unless the WSA is not closing the connections properly. Based on the status detail...
"do not clear the error" is in regards to the alert you received stating the log partition is at 107%. This means that you have too many saved files for the available disk space. You will need to remove any excess files.
Hello,The WSA has a feature called Object Filtering which allows admin's to configure access policy parameters to block certain file types from being downloaded through the WSA. To apply the same settings to HTTPS requests the WSA would need to decry...
If removing the log files do not clear the error, it could be one of the directories in the backend that needs to be cleared. To do this you will need to open a support case and TAC can log in and clear the excess files.Best Regards,Michael Hautekeet...
Hello,This error is caused by storing too many accesslogs/packet captures on the appliance. You will need to FTP to the management IP of the WSA. Log in with your admin credentials and delete/move some of the files in the accesslogs directory as well...