Jeroen Janssens
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Member since ‎03-06-2014

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After all the issues with the first 887 VDSL router configuration (see, I have now configured the second one with a similar configuration but this time PPP doesn't come up. ...
I already have a 887 working with VDSL on a second location.  I configured another 887 with the same config (changing logins, passwords and IP ranges) and while the connection seems to come up (ppp led goes on), the CD led starts blinking again after...
My ASA has already 3 interfaces configured: outside (internet ISP#1), publilink (extranet ISP#1) and inside.  Our current VPNs connect through the outside interface.  The outside interface is also the default route for all traffic to the internet.  T...
When I use a cisco vpn client to connect to my asa, the VPN tunnel gets up and I receive an ip address from the local pool. I can ping to my own address but that's it.  The default gateway received from the vpn client is also an address from the loca...
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Member Since ‎03-06-2014 08:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-28-2018 12:06 AM
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