terry duffy
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Member since ‎04-13-2014

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I created this app in Excel with VBA Microsoft forms and using various Cisco API calls.It can quickly copy a lot of phones from one model to a different model.Create new UCCX agents and MACD work, adding or removing a user from a phone. Quick Youtube...
Is there an API call or SQL query that can list all device mobility roaming phones that are not at their home location? Or even some way within CUCM that can list these phones.
Thanks to the questions answered in this community, I was able to create an Excel application using VBA that can search the Call manager for phones, and then copy the phone to a different model. I can easily convert 10x 7941 phones to model 8841 in l...
Lets say I have 3 lines on a phone, line 1111 2222 and line 3333.They are in positions 1, 2 and 3 respectfully on the physical phone.So their AXL index numbers returned and their position on the phone are matched, line 1 for index 1, etc.If I then pl...
I can successfully add a new phone with one or two lines.It seems to ignore lines 3-5.Is there a something special needed for adding more then 2 lines?I'm including the sample XML as a txt file, this was successful in adding the first two lines, but ...
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Member Since ‎04-13-2014 10:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 10:46 PM
Posts 24
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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