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Member since ‎08-14-2003

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Hello all,Where can I find a detailed configuration guide for "crypto isakmp profile"?Thanks,Dan
Hello all,Is there a document about how TurboACL is implemented? Maybe a link to some theoretical document describing similar algorithms?The CCO documentation only guides how to configure and few words about what is TurboACL.And more specific questio...
Hello all,Is there a document about how TurboACL is implemented? Maybe a link to some theoretical document describing similar algorithms?And more specific question, if turboacl is basicly using hashing tables, how does it keep the order of the ACL?:p...
Hello all,Cisco recommends configuring VPN with IPSEC/GRE combinations.Does CEF works in such configuration? Can IP switching, QOS classifying, GRE encapsulation, encryption (HW or SW) and QOS congestion management be done in a single interrupt? My h...
Hello,Can cef and 'ip tcp mss-adjust' coexist?Or better, where can I find a documnet wich states what ios commands can disable cef?10x!Dan
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-14-2003 06:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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