I would like to know how can I limit a number of participants on Cisco Meeting server?
i want to specify 60 connections in maximum on entire server, my CMS yesterday got 62 connections, but it's provisioned cpu and memory to 60.
I have 2 Cisco Meeting Server 2.3
1 is for Callbridge, webbridge
1 is for recording and streaming.
I enabled on CallBridge Server
Configuration -> Call Settings -> SIP call participant labels - Enabled.
Labels are ok on the Videoconferen...
I was right to do, my error was putting on form-data instead x-www-form-undercodeConfiguration bellow, i applied and it's ok now./api/v1/callProfiles/callprofileIDparticipantLimit = Value (number of maximum participants)
Yeah, my question is about why recording file is not appearing labels on mp4 file that I was seing on the videoconference.
but i think you are right, because as the recorder is a CMA Aplication, there is no labels on MP4 file, this is too bad for t...
Hi Manuel,
On Sx80 Go to Setup -> User interface - > OSD -> Change to AlwaysOff
if sx80 is registered on cucm you can go to device -> phone -> choose the phone and go to OSD Encrytpion Indicator and change to Always off.
Please if the...