There is a timeout happening -005208: Feb 5 2019 19:27:51.034 UTC: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: SIP: Internal Error (ACK wait timeout): IEC= on callID 1180 GUID=EE74742F28B211E98551D21BBC9A1796005209: Feb 5 2019 19:27:51.035 UTC: //1180/EE74742F8...
AFAIK the requirement is still the same.If you are splitting the CUBE's across DC's, you cannot use HSRP. You could have an ACTIVE/ACTIVE CUBE deployment where the CUCM will be responsible for failover etc.
Not sure why would you buy a BE6k for 60 users only. If that is the case though, look into a CME/CUE bundle running on a ISR-4k box. If you have a virtual environment, you can deploy a vCUE for the voicemail bit.Also, you could look into BE4k for a c...
Could not figure out what the issue is but you are missing "type" command from the ephone config. If your issue is that the dn does not appear on the ephone, that should fix it. Add the command, recreate config file and reset the phone.