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Member since ‎03-05-2008

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Hi,How can I change the ldap-naming-attribute on an FTD device?We try to login on an ldap server, but the device is using cn attribute instead of uid. On ASA we can use ldap-naming-attribute, but on FTD there is no way on the gui nor the api.  
Hello,I have this problem when I tried to connect the anyconnect secure mobility with my vpnPlease, can you help me?The error messege is this" The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be reached . You may be experiencing network connect...
Hello,I need to configure the Any Connect Secure Mobility Client with IPsec.What are the requirements for achieve this- ASA Version- ASDM Version- Additional firewall configuration.
Hello,Current equipmentASA 5520ASA Version 8.4(6)ASDM Version 7.1(3)IPsec(IKEv1)Cisco VPN ClientCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility ClientVersion 3.1.04072I need to configure the vpn client with ipsec using the version of the vpn client what i'm talk.Th...
Hello,I need your expirience with this problem.when i tried to install AnyConnect_VPN_Client_2.3 until end i recieved this messegeService 'Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent' (vpnagent) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start sys...
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Member Since ‎03-05-2008 05:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-15-2022 02:41 PM
Posts 14
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