Thanks,That's nice to hear for that product but the concern is more from an overall perpsective - basically any products that rely on common end user access - webex, jabber, show n share, etc. Things where, as is becoming commonplace now, organizati...
Our local Cisco Rep is not happy. We just decided NOT to purchase Show and Share because of it's platform dependency for the viewer. We are ok with requiring a specific OS for management but the viewer???? Really???? That is so 80's.....So I had ...
Cisco please get on board with html5. I was considering investing in show and share but the specs say the viewer needs flash and the java client. Which kills it on both iOS devices and chromebooks (no java client). You guys are ahead in so many area...
Miro,I do have a sizable opportunity. We are looking at just under 1,000 CB's. We also have webex available to us through our Telepresence\UC\CUWL licensing. We utilize Google Hangouts but that service is limited in attendee count. We would very ...