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Member since ‎04-30-2013

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Hello, I have a CISCO 5505 with ASDM version 6.2 and ASA version 8.2, which is broken. I replaced it with a CISCO 5505 , but the ASDM version is 7 and the ASA version is 9.0.1The connection of the OLD CISCO looks like :STORED POLICYSecure Unit Authen...
Hello, I received the following mail to open ports and do port forwarding and natting , but these are for Cisco IOS routers and so they don't work on the ASA , can anyone help me transform them for a asa ? Also what interface is BVI1 meant by, or is ...
Hello,can anyone help me create a button for a SPA525g phone which changes the background image of the phone which is now :<BMP_Picture_Download_URL group="User/Screen"></BMP_Picture_Download_URL...
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Member Since ‎04-30-2013 05:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-18-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 8