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Member since ‎09-26-2003

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Hi,I use ASA 5505 with the last version ASA 8.0.3 and ASDM 6.0.3. ( see config in attachment )The vpn works with a Cisco Client but not with the Windows connection ( i use a pre-share key )When I connect with the cisco client, I would like to define...
Hi,I have ASA 5505 with ASA v 8.0.3 and ASDM v 6.0.3. The VPN connection works, the client receive the IP from the define pool but the default gateway is not correct. Is it possible to define the gateway in the pool ?thank you
Hi all,I configure an ASA 5.2.3 and ASDM 7.2.3.I would like to activate a remote access with Windows Client and/or Cisco Client.I use the wizard but it doesn't work. I add the error message received with Cisco Client, and there is no message with Wi...
I have ASA 5505 with ASDM 5.2(2) & ASA 7.2(2).I configure the IPSEC VPN via the wizard of ASDM and it works.After a few times, it doesn't work anymore without change. When I log on the ASA and I activate the debug, I don't see any packets.If I activ...
Hi,I would like upgrade my ASA 5505 with ASDM 5.2(2) & ASA 7.2(2)I made the upload of the last file asdm-602.bin and asa802-k8.binFor the asdm, it seems to made the upgrade via Properties/Device Administration / boot image config and choose the last ...
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Member Since ‎09-26-2003 12:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
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