Marco Serato
Level 1
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Member since ‎07-10-2012

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Hello CommunityI would like to transfer the ASA backup to a server via SSH using the "backup" command.However, this fails because the host key cannot be validated.Unfortunately, I have not found anything how to accept the host key.Does anyone know th...
Hello CommunityMy question is about group-policies for SSL VPN and the web portal (AnyConnect download).The web portal is automatically enabled when SSL VPN is active?I would like to use RADIUS for authentication for the web portal. What does the ASA...
Hello,where in the Cisco ASA can the authentication configured for the gateway login , where the provided Cisco AnyConnect version can be downloaded for the users?How can this be realised via the Cisco ISE?What would have to be returned as a result?I...
HelloThe following question is just for understanding.Does a VPN tunnel collapse or abort briefly when the IKE Liftetime has expired?With IPSEC SA, the lifetimes are required for rekeying- Is that correct?Thanks Martin 
HelloFor a short time now, my LTE connection in the Cisco router has been breaking down repeatedly. This is very annoying because the VPN tunnel used is always gone. Unfortunately I can't do much with the logging messages. these messages are shown af...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-10-2012 06:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-25-2024 03:48 AM
Posts 82
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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