Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎10-09-2009

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IntroductionTopologyConfiguration   Introduction As we know based on the access rules functionality on the firewall devices we can’t do filtering with mac address.   However as a workaround we can use aaa authentication with mac-exempt to accomplish ...
IntroductionFailover TriggersDetails of RecreateReference  IntroductionThe purpose of this article is to explain the impact of interface monitoring on ASA failover pair. Here is the documentation which is already available on
IntroductionTopologyScenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4  IntroductionDual ISP implementation on ASA TopologyTerminating two ISPs on ASA/PIX----------------------------            ISP1------------------Internet                       ...
IntroductionTopologyConfigurationThese restrictions apply to the use of the DHCP relay agent  IntroductionASA/PIX as DHCP Relay and packet flow  Topology   Configuration Minimum Configuration needed: dhcprelay server outsidedhcprelay en...
Scenario:Requirement: Configuration Scenario: Internet-->ASA(>(> Requirement: network needs to talk to network, default gateway on
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Member Since ‎10-09-2009 12:57 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-16-2020 05:01 PM
Posts 116
Total Helpful Votes Received 208
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