Gerard Gasca
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Member since ‎08-02-2013

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Hi I recently ran across a document on indicators to look for when measuring network performance. I know what commands to run for some of these but not for all. I'm curious what commands you would use to find these statistics. I provide the whole lis...
                   Hi, maybe I'm not searching for the correct terms but I couldn't find anything on this. I have an ASA 5550 and it forms adjacency fine with 4 routers but I can't get it to advertise it's NAT pool addresses to the routers.Say the NA...
     I am redesigning our border and we have two 2921 routers that are at the edge because we are terminating BGP there. The routers have HSRP configured on the ISP side and each router has one connection to one of the  ASA5550. The ASA are running i...
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Member Since ‎08-02-2013 08:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-21-2017 04:37 PM
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