Mohammad Ashraf
Level 1
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Member since ‎11-10-2013

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Hi,  I need help to implement High Availability in cisco VSOM,we are using cisco VSOM 7.5.1 for both media servers and operation manager. I need to implement High availability for Operation manager in head office. as I found from cisco document relea...
 Hi,  I am facing a issue while adding media server to VSOM,  (version 7.2.0 ) it gives me the following error  Operation failed: Duplicate alternateid, another media server VsomServer exist with same alternateid even the same vsms server doesnt exis...
Hi,  I need help with Vsom server,  my vsom was ok and perfect, I just restarted , and now i am having problem with login screen, domain name portion is on searching, and dont let me log in,  i am using vsom 7.2.1,  attached is the screenshot of the ...
Hi, I am having problem with cisco 4507 switch,below is show module command output,Mod Ports Card Type                                                   Model              ---+-----+--------------------------------------+------------------+----------...
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Member Since ‎11-10-2013 01:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
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