After installing CallStudio 10.5, I don't see the We use this to automate build and deploy CVP application on Jenkins. Does anyone else have this problem?Mohan
Thanks, Janine. I figured that part. We have a main app that calls multiple Subd's but the problem is that when it gets to loading the Sub dialog, i get error.
Browser log in the runtime folder shows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml vers...
Hi Janine,
I am trying to run Subdialog invoke in the debugger, running into 'out of ports' issue. I am using an eval version of 11.5 CallStudio, could that be because it is eval version?
I ended up setting inputmode to dtmf, since we don't use speech then setting a dtmf keypress initialized to *. Then use dynamic classes to override the keypress. You could do the same using specifying a dummy grammar if you use speech.
Created my own sab_win32 folder using the CallStudio installation and offlineappbuilder plugin from CVP10.0. Seems to work and not getting that version error.