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Member since ‎01-29-2014

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Hi, I have a C20 that has 5.1.13 software and their is no video from camera, we have switched cameras and still have the same issue, we were able to control both cameras but just get a black screen where the video should be, any help would be appreci...
                   A customer has an MX200 and is able to connect and make calls to test number sites, the endpoint can call me on my personal jabber account but cannot connect to any endpoints through our expressway, not even auto attendant and I am...
                   Hi All, I am trying to find out port configuration for a MX200, I am trying to setup as a stand alone system but I am having issues. I just need a document for what ports I need to open on firewall any assistance is greatly appreci...
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Member Since ‎01-29-2014 08:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-07-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 6