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Member since ‎02-10-2004

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Can IPSec work into LAN ?. How ?
I have IP telephony, the ip phones have two ports (switch integrated). Use the two ports from ip phone because not have more port switch free to PC´s. The problem is the security because any people can connect to second port from ip phone with a LAPT...
IVR 2.2.5When call to my IVR this reply after 7 seconds. During this time try to hear something but not hear nothing, not sound from ring. The users hang because not hear ring. I need reduce this time or permit to my users hear the ring. Any idea ?
I have CCM 3.3, IP Phones models 7910,7940 and 7960. I need assign personal code for each user and have reports from calls by person from where apply this code. I have user with different privileges call Celular, Long Distance National, Long Distance...
I have router 3640 with two interface E1´s connected to PSTN.How i can choose the phones which should be survive when fail the PSTN ?If have phones A,B,C,D,E. With SRTS need only A,C,E.
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Member Since ‎02-10-2004 12:32 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 10