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Member since ‎07-10-2002

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Hello allI have an upcomming project that will need to have load-balancing and failover for IPSEC the sites are in Indaina and NJ. In NJ there will be 1 router that will support Indiana. In Indiana there are 2 1700 routers that have different ISP con...
HelloI used a sample config to ask this question so I would not have to post my customers config. My question is: With this setup will the server on the DMZ be able to browse the internet? And will the inside users be able to get to the DMZ.nameif et...
HelloI have an upcomming project that has to deal with setting up a 2nd pix for the purpose of VPN failover. The exsisting firewall is configured and has a working VPN config. The customer would like a 2nd firewall setup for redundant VPN connections...
HelloI have to take over a site because of a co-worker leaving. The latest issue is that there is a problem printing from one site to another through a VPN tunnel. The users can ping the printer and even web to the jet direct box but does not print. ...
Hello AllI have a FWSM in a 6509 that will be protecting internet server. (web,mail,dns, and various other) The 6509 has multiple vlans associated with it. Does the firewall need to know about all these vlans? Thanks
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Member Since ‎07-10-2002 11:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 57