I've always edited my extended ACL's in a program like word pad, the deleted the old ACL, and copy/paste the new one in.I didn't realise that there was any way to insert commands.I'll try that method, but i still think its going to be easier to edit ...
Hi,I think you really need to contact your ISP and see if they have a shell of a config you can use.Their connection system is quite unusual. Most providers these days are using PPPoe. PPPoA systems.Bridging does work really well in my experience but...
Here is another Telstra story:-About ten years ago two businesses decided to start online gambling in my town, due to the unique legislation that exists in the Northern Territory. One of the businesses was the local casino and the other was an indepe...
Hi,You need to save your config.CCP/CP express/SDM/SDM express will have an option to write the running config to memory.Alternativley connect to the router using a telnet program like hyperterm and issue the command WRITE MEMORY.You can connect to t...
That really sounds like an interview from hell.The sort of questions that they were asking are the sort of things that you memorise parrot fashion for the routing exam for your CCNP exam and then promptly forget.If you ever get stuck on a real life W...